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University of Illinois - Springfield

1 University Plaza
Springfield Illinois United States 62703


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Instructor and Director of Student Media, Communication and Media

Job ID: 70976
Job Views: 2271
Location: Springfield, Illinois, United States
Postal Code:
Job Category: Academia
Employment Type: Full time
Posted: 06.03.2024

Job Description

The School of Communication and Media at the University of Illinois Springfield has an opening beginning August 16, 2024 for the Director of Student Media/Communication Instructor. The Director is expected to manage media operations for the student newspaper, lead newspaper finances/fundraising/marketing and advertising, oversee any graduate assistants or interns for the newspaper, and teach four classes (one being a course devoted to managing the newspaper/student writers) per semester in the School of Communication and Media. Service to the School and/or University is expected. Opportunities to teach during the summer may be available.

This is a full-time on-campus position and benefit-eligible non-tenured academic appointment. UIS faculty are expected to be available and engaged in the university community to perform professional responsibilities as assigned.


Duties & Responsibilities:

Teaching: 4/4 teaching load with one of those courses each semester being Newspaper Practicum - to oversee the newspaper. Other course teaching options include: strategic communication, oral communication, research methods, sports communication, other journalism courses, or other courses as appropriate.

Service: Service to the School and to the University.

Job Requirements

Minimum Qualifications:
Minimum of a M.A. in Media, Journalism, Communication or related discipline from an accredited university
Experience with marketing/fundraising
Minimum of two years of proven excellence in teaching or training
Minimum of three years (fulltime equivalent) of paid, professional media/journalism experience.

Preferred Qualifications:
PhD in Media, Journalism, Communication, or related discipline
Experience teaching at the university-level
Managerial experience
Web design/publishing experience
Ability to teach strategic communication, public speaking, research methods, sports communication, and/or other journalism courses

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