Company Info

St. Louis Post-Dispatch\Lee Enterprises
901 N. 10th St.
St. Louis, Missouri (United States)

Public safety reporter

Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Job Category: Newspapers,Online | New Media
Job ID: 70827
Employment Type: Full time
Salary: per hour
Posted: 04.16.2024


Job Description:

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is looking for an aggressive, enterprising reporter to join our public safety team. We want a reporter who is adept at quickly filing a news story but is also able to see the big picture.

This beat will focus heavily on coverage of local crime and police departments. But you’ll play a key role in helping us reimagine our public safety coverage as a whole.
You’ll post breaking news immediately but also have chances to dig deeper.

We want a reporter who can identify the best story of the day, delve into how it happened and conduct revealing interviews. We’re looking for the ability to connect with the community and develop enterprise and feature stories, in addition to breaking-news instincts. You’ll have the chance to focus on crime trends and their impacts in neighborhoods, and to hold criminal justice officials accountable.


Job Requirements:

We also want someone who can work across all of our digital platforms and understands the need to experiment with new story forms.

Please attach 6-8 writing samples. You’re also welcome to send us multi-media work or any other work you think will showcase your abilities.