Floodlight is a nonprofit newsroom that holds power to account by investigating the interests stalling climate action.
Since launching in 2021, Floodlight has collaborated with local and national publications like NPR, The Guardian, Grist, This American Life, the Los Angeles Times, the Texas Tribune, the Louisiana Illuminator and Capital B. Our team has grown from a staff of one to a team of eight, and our stories have garnered more than 3 million views.
Floodlight’s model has shown how collaborative journalism can have a proven impact. Our reporting with NPR about how power company consultants swayed elections, spied on journalists and bought media coverage was followed by the departure of two CEOs. The stories were seen nationwide by millions, and they were reposted by more than 2,000 news outlets. They were finalists for Harvard’s Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting.
Floodlight’s reporting is nonpartisan and unbiased and adheres to the standards of the Institute for Nonprofit News. While the organization is supported by philanthropic grants from foundations and gifts from individuals, Floodlight retains full authority over editorial content, and our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support. Read more about our standards & supporters.